Professional photographer in Luxembourg


Vio Dudau
Vio Dudau, author @ Photo Dudau

I’m a travel and street photographer currently based in Luxembourg.

I’ve been a press photographer, working with newspapers, magazines and press agencies for about 6 years. During that period, I had the chance to shoot photojournalism, sports photography, corporate portraits and interviews, press conferences and business events.

After my journey with press assignments, I’ve joined the world of events, shooting concerts and nightclub photography for about 2 years.

I shoot commercial stock and conceptual photography on a regular basis, you can check my portfolio on Dreamstime stock photography agency, where I’m also a senior photo reviewer.

Although I’m an avid traveler, since June 2014 I moved in Luxembourg with my family.

You can follow me on my social media accounts to keep in touch:

If you want to contact me fast, feel free to drop me an email, I’ll usually reply in less than 12 hours.